Calling this number is only effective if you're a fluent Spanish speaker. This number is meant as TurboTax's number for assistance in Spanish, and you'll be spoken to in Spanish from the moment you begin your call. That said, you can switch over to English, but it's time consuming and can be ineffective.
When I dialed this number, I was immediately greeted by the automated system in fluent Spanish. I could pick out a few words from being somewhat proficient in the language, but you'll need to either be a native speaker or fluent enough to converse in a Spanish-speaking nation to understand the entire thing.
Fortunately, Intuit does plan ahead for people who dial this number and don't speak Spanish by offering an English option. However, it doesn't seem to work perfectly, even when using the keypad. When I pressed 8 as requested to switch to English, the system continued to talk in Spanish, even giving me an "I'm sorry, I did not understand the request" message in Spanish before I hit 8 again.
This time, the switch worked and transferred me over to the English phone line. However, as this was not the number I had originally dialed, I opted to limit my interactions to testing the automated system's ability to send me information. I asked the system for assistance with logging in, and the system said that it had recognized the number I was calling from and would send over an e-mail with instructions on how to reset my password. I said that was fine, and the system said that it should have the e-mail over to me in a few minutes. I then opted to hang up and wait for the e-mail.
The e-mail eventually arrived after a 20 minute wait and in my spam folder, which meant I had to search for it manually instead of getting notified of its arrival.
Overall, I think this number has a ways to go before becoming useful. I think that this number can be helpful to people who are fluent in Spanish, but if you don't speak the language very well, there are much better options for you to call Intuit. I also think this number has a few problems with getting information out to customers quickly. If you're going to have the system send information to an e-mail address and not a phone number, it needs to arrive promptly and in the inbox. Having it delayed doesn't really help anyone.
Based off this experience, I would only use this number if Spanish is your primary language. The system takes too long to get things to its customers via e-mail, and there are better ways to reach Intuit if you speak English as your preferred form of communication.