Ring Doorbells Soalan Lazim Pelanggan

Jawapan Teratas & Panduan Cara

Apakah Nombor Telefon Ring Doorbells?

Soalan yang paling kerap ditanya kepada kami ialah tentang cara bercakap dengan perkhidmatan pelanggan Ring Doorbells. Klik di sini untuk maklumat hubungan, pilihan e-mel dan sembang, mendapatkan orang langsung, masa menunggu dan banyak lagi.

Bolehkah saya menyambungkan Loceng Pintu Dering saya kepada peranti rumah pintar yang lain?

Ya, anda boleh menyambungkan Loceng Pintu Dering anda kepada peranti rumah pintar yang lain. Loceng Pintu Dering direka untuk disepadukan dengan lancar dengan pelbagai...
Tanya sebarang soalan anda tentang Ring Doorbells perkhidmatan pelanggan, dapatkan jawapan sekarang.

Ring Doorbells Soalan Pelanggan Terkini

Ring has the wrong email address. How to correct?

You can update your email address through the Ring app. Go to "Account Settings" and select "Change Email," then follow the prompts to enter and verify your new email address.
Ditanya Jul 21, 2024 10:31 PM

I had my Ring doorbell installed by a handyman. My doorbell no longer rings and if someone is at my door and I am not near my phone I do not hear them. Is there a way to connect my Ring doorbell to the doorbell chime in my house?

Yes, you can connect your Ring Doorbell to your existing doorbell chime. Doing so allows your original doorbell chime in the house to ring when someone presses the button on your Ring Doorbell. Setup varies depending on whether you have a wired or wireless doorbell system. However, it's important to note that the Ring Doorbell must be hardwired to your existing doorbell wiring for this feature to work. If your Ring Doorbell is battery-powered, it will not activate your internal chime. You may need to consult a professional for proper installation if you're uncomfortable with managing the wiring yourself.
Ditanya Jun 17, 2024 6:55 PM

all of a sudden my Ring doesn't chime when someone is at the door. I recharged the battery but still doesn't chime, The doorbell does, but not the notification.

It sounds like your Ring doorbell and the chime might be disconnected, or your notification settings may need adjusting. To troubleshoot, make sure both devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network. You can check this in the settings of your Ring App. Notifications can be toggled on and off in the App settings too. If both devices are on the same network and the notifications are on, but you're still having issues, try resetting the doorbell and chime. This is usually done by pressing a reset button on the devices. If the issue still persists after these steps, there might be a more significant issue requiring assistance.
Ditanya May 22, 2024 8:23 PM

not notifying when someone is at door

If your Ring Doorbell is not notifying you when someone is at the door, it could be due to a few reasons. Firstly, ensure that your Ring app has the correct notification settings. Make sure that motion and ring alerts are enabled. Also, confirm your smartphone or tablet system settings are allowing notifications from the Ring app. If you're on WiFi, make sure your device is connected and working properly. If everything seems correct and you're still not receiving notifications, try uninstalling and reinstalling the Ring app. This should reset any temporary software issues. If none of these steps work, the issue may lie with the doorbell device itself and we recommend consulting a technical expert.
Ditanya May 22, 2024 7:29 PM

Our ring trial subscription at our church has expired, how do we go about getting a subcription

To get a subscription after your trial has ended, you would follow these steps: 1. Open the Ring app on your device, and log in to your account. 2. From the dashboard, select the device you want to subscribe to. 3. Tap on "Device Health." 4. Tap on "Change Plan." 5. Select the plan that best suits your requirements. 6. After selecting the plan, input your payment information, acknowledge the terms and conditions, then wrap up your purchase. Remember, subscriptions are per device, so if you have multiple Ring devices at your church, each will need its own subscription plan.
Ditanya May 21, 2024 6:27 PM

Bantu saya dengan Ring Doorbells isu perkhidmatan pelanggan saya

Setup Assistance

Bagaimana Saya Mendapatkan Bantuan Menyiapkan Bel Ring Saya?

Memasang Loceng Pintu Dering boleh menjadi rumit. Jika anda menghadapi masalah dengan persediaan Loceng Pintu Dering anda, kami telah menggariskan semua cara anda...

Ring Protect Plan

Apakah Pelan Pelindung Cincin?

Ring Protect Plan ialah perkhidmatan langganan yang ditawarkan oleh Ring Doorbells yang meningkatkan pengalaman keselamatan rumah anda. Dengan nominal...

Device Connectivity

Bolehkah saya menyambungkan berbilang peranti ke Loceng Pintu Dering saya?

Ya, anda boleh menyambungkan berbilang peranti ke Loceng Pintu Dering anda. Loceng Pintu Dering direka untuk serasi dengan pelbagai peranti, termasuk...

Bolehkah saya menyambungkan Loceng Pintu Dering saya kepada peranti rumah pintar yang lain?

Ya, anda boleh menyambungkan Loceng Pintu Dering anda kepada peranti rumah pintar yang lain. Loceng Pintu Dering direka untuk disepadukan dengan lancar dengan pelbagai...

Remote Viewing

Bolehkah saya melihat rakaman Loceng Pintu Dering saya dari jauh?

Ya, anda boleh melihat rakaman Loceng Pintu Dering anda dengan mudah dari jauh. Loceng Pintu Dering membolehkan anda mengakses video langsung dan merakam...

Subscription-Free Usage

Bolehkah saya menggunakan Loceng Pintu Dering tanpa langganan?

Ya, anda boleh menggunakan Loceng Pintu Dering tanpa langganan. Perkhidmatan langganan, dipanggil Ring Protect, menawarkan ciri tambahan...

Battery Life

Berapa lama bateri bertahan pada Loceng Pintu Dering saya?

Hayat bateri Loceng Pintu Dering anda bergantung pada pelbagai faktor. Secara amnya, bateri boleh bertahan antara enam hingga dua belas bulan...
Kami melihat kepada Ring Doorbells isu yang pelanggan telah laporkan kepada GetHuman untuk memutuskan soalan yang paling biasa dan berapa banyak masa yang perlu diluangkan untuk menyelidik cara menyelesaikannya.
Ring Doorbells isu dilaporkan kepada GetHuman
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Kami bekerjasama dengan syarikat bantuan pakar yang berpangkalan di California untuk menyediakan anda dengan pakar sokongan teknologi 24/7. Nikmati keahlian percubaan seminggu $5 dan dapatkan bantuan daripada juruteknik sokongan sebenar sekarang.
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