How often does Dimensional Fund Advisors rebalance portfolios?
Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA) rebalances portfolios on an ongoing basis, but the frequency depends on several factors. DFA's goal is to maintain portfolios aligned with their respective target asset allocations. Generally, portfolios are rebalanced periodically, typically on a quarterly or semi-annual basis. However, other factors such as market conditions, cash flows, and tax considerations also influence the rebalancing frequency. DFA's approach is grounded in principles of academic research and efficient markets, aiming to capture long-term market returns while minimizing transaction costs and not chasing short-term market movements. Consequently, the rebalancing process is not driven solely by timing or attempting to predict market trends, but rather by maintaining disciplined and deliberate adjustments to keep portfolios in line with predetermined asset allocation strategies.

Answered May 3, 2024
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