
BarkBox Soalan Lazim Pelanggan

Jawapan Teratas & Panduan Cara

Bagaimanakah cara saya Menghubungi Perkhidmatan Pelanggan BarkBox?

Soalan yang paling kerap ditanya kepada kami ialah tentang cara bercakap dengan perkhidmatan pelanggan BarkBox. Klik di sini untuk maklumat hubungan, pilihan e-mel dan sembang, mendapatkan orang langsung, masa menunggu dan banyak lagi.
Tanya sebarang soalan anda tentang BarkBox perkhidmatan pelanggan, dapatkan jawapan sekarang.

BarkBox Soalan Pelanggan Terkini

I need to cancel my subscription to barkbox

We understand that you wish to cancel your BarkBox subscription. To do this, log into your account on the BarkBox website, navigate to the 'Subscriptions' page under your account settings, then you can locate and select the 'Cancel' option. Follow the prompts to finalize the cancellation. Please remember that you must cancel your subscription before it renews if you want to avoid being charged for the next box. Once the subscription renews, it can't be cancelled or refunded as it's immediately processed for shipping.
Ditanya Apr 23, 2024 6:18 PM

I need to cancel my subscription.

We're sorry to hear you want to cancel your subscription. You can do this through your BarkBox account online. Just log in, and find the "Subscriptions" section. There will be an option to cancel your subscription there. Please note that you are not able to cancel your subscription before the commitment period ends. If you have a 6-month or 12-month plan, you need to wait until that period is over to cancel. Let us know if you need any further help!
Ditanya Feb 29, 2024 4:58 PM

Bantu saya dengan BarkBox isu perkhidmatan pelanggan saya

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